Los Angeles: The title of M Night Shyamalan’s upcoming thriller is “Old”, the director has announced. He also shared the artwork of the film – a depiction of an hourglass, with people tumbling instead of sand, and text reading, “A New Trip from writer/director M Night Shyamalan. Universal released Shyamalan’s three previous films – “Glass”, “Split” and “The Visit”, all …
Sign up to our free IndyArts newsletter for all the latest entertainment news and reviews Sign up to our free IndyArts newsletter Sign up to our free IndyArts newsletter SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. But perhaps that warning is redundant, given that M Night Shyamalan – the director of …
Sarah Paulson and Samuel L. Jackson in "Glass." David’s heroism has earned him the comic-book-ready moniker “The Overseer,” and it’s also what gets him committed to the same mental institution where Mr. Glass sits around in a state of feigned vegetation. The train derailment that begins “Unbreakable” was Elijah’s way of getting both David and Kevin to recognize their powers. …
GLASS Direction: M Night Shyamalan Actors: James McAvoy, Bruce Willis Rating: 2 / 5 M Night Shyamalan can be depended on to spring a surprise with each new film. In Glass, the three superheroes from Unbreakable and Split have been incarcerated in a psychological facility, under the supervision of a therapist who believes they suffer merely from delusions of grandeur. …
Unlike Unbreakable and Split, Glass has mostly received negative reviews from critics, with IGN’s Rosie Knight calling it a “tonally confused” movie with “hints of greatness.” M. Night Shyamalan brought his latest offering to London on Wednesday, comic book thriller Glass — a tale merging two of his previous movies. However, unlike Unbreakable and Split, Glass has mostly received negative …