Filmmaker Chad Stahelski, best known for directing Hollywood blockbuster franchise John Wick, starring Keanu Reeves, is set to produce the English-language remake of the upcoming Indian action movie Kill. Stahelski, who will back the film for Lionsgate via his banner 87Eleven Entertainment for Lionsgate, described Kill as "one of the most vivid, wild, and creative action movies" he has seen …
Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions and Guneet Monga Kapoor’s Sikhya Entertainment have announced a strategic content partnership. The alliance builds on their previous collaboration on The Lunchbox, which was produced by Sikhya’s founder Guneet Monga Kapoor and presented by Dharma Productions. “We are extremely excited to collaborate with Sikhya Entertainment,” Karan Johar, founder of Dharma Productions, said in a statement. With …
Highlights Kathal is backed by Netflix, producer Guneet Monga’s Sikhya Entertainment and Balaji Telefilms Ltd Kathal is a quirky tale set in heartland India Sanya Malhotra will play a cop character for the first time in upcoming movie Kathal Streaming platform Netflix on Saturday announced they have roped in Bollywood actor Sanya Malhotra for their next film “Kathal”. The film …