Manyam Dheerudu, directed by Dekkala Naresh, is all set to release at cinemas worldwide on September 20. The Visakhapatnam South Jana Sena MLA Vamsi Krishna Srinivas Yadav also attended this conference and wished the film’s cast the best of wishes. Calling the film Manyam Dheerudu amazing, Vamsi Krishna Srinivas Yadav wished the film would also be a great success. BV …
Visakhapatnam: Heavy rains lashed Eluru, Alluri Sitarama Raju and Parvathipuram Manyam districts on Thursday following formation of a low-pressure area over central and adjoining North Bay of Bengal. IMD Aamaravati forecast more ‘heavy to very heavy’ rains during the next two days after which the system would cross the Odisha coast. IMD issued a red alert in Alluri Sitarama Raju …
Vijayawada: The Andhra Pradesh government continues to maintain high alert for the second consecutive day as several parts of the state received heavy to very heavy rainfall. The government has positioned one NDRF and two SDRF teams at Chintur of Alluri Sitarama Raju district, one SDRF team in Konaseema district and one in Velerupadu of Eluru district as a precautionary …