VIJAYAWADA: The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Thursday set aside the order of the ACB special court rejecting a CID plea for remand of the former employee, G.V.S. The remand had been sought for questioning Bhaskar on his alleged involvement in the multi-crore AP Skill Development Corporation scam. A single judge HC bench of Justice Bhanumathi heard the revision petition …
Brett Yormark was named the new commissioner of the Big 12 on June 29. The conference’s Board of Directors hired Yormark to be their dealmaker, believing he has the right skill set to navigate the rapidly changing college landscape and maximize the Big 12’s potential and prosperity. I said, “Hey, let’s go for it.” Now, they clearly said to me …
Skill sets are always looked at as a means to progress and succeed in anyone's professional life; however, what is often under looked is the importance of overall-exposure in life. Skill sets are obviously very important but youths and their parents should also try to increase the life-experience exposure as much as possible; this makes them smarter, resourceful and independent …