One can always trust Deepika Padukone to bring her best fashion foot forward while dressing up for star-studded events or red-carpet shows. Deepika Padukone stuns in a solid black dress for a casual outing in Mumbai. Deepika Padukone stuns with her effortless day-out look On Thursday, Deepika Padukone stepped out in Mumbai to run errands in the city. Deepika Padukone's …
Cannes Film Festival 2022: Actor Deepika Padukone arrived in Cannes yesterday to attend one of the most prestigious film festivals - the Cannes Film Festival - which kickstarts today as one of its jury members. Deepika Padukone attends Cannes Film Festival jury dinner in sleeveless Louis Vuitton mini dress and boots On Monday, May 16, Deepika Padukone attended the 75th …
Organza sarees are one of the biggest IT trends in Bollywood, and the most stylish divas from the industry are adding this ethereal piece to their wardrobe. Deepika Padukone's dreamy organza saree and sleeveless blouse is season's hottest must-have Deepika's stylist Shaleena Nathani took to Instagram to share pictures of the actor wearing a gorgeous multi-coloured organza saree. Deepika's six …