The Karnataka High Court has directed a restaurant, Soho Pub & Grill, to earmark separate area in its premises, after obtaining a licence, for allowing its patrons to smoke hookah. The bench referred to the Coordinate Bench order dated 27.02.2017 passed in W.P.No.8140/2017 wherein under similar circumstances the High Court had had considered these aspects and after taking note of …
Last week, radio host Kyle Sandilands told listeners he planned to spend his 48th birthday alone doing absolutely nothing. But this didn't exactly go to plan, as the shock jock instead enjoyed a rowdy get-together with his friend, nightclub owner John Ibrahim, on Monday. In John's video, Kyle could be seen energetically dancing on the table to the song Hey …
Do you believe smoking hookah is safer than smoking cigarettes? Think twice.A single session of hookah can lead to greater exposure to carbon monoxide than smoking a single cigarette, and causes harm to the heart and blood vessels, say researchers including one of an Indian-origin. The findings showed that during a hookah smoking session that typically lasts for 30 or …