The LG Velvet smartphone has finally come to India nearly eight months after its global debut. However, the India variant of the LG Velvet packs Snapdragon 845 SoC instead of the Snapdragon 765G mobile processor. The LG Velvet sports a 6.8-inch full-HD+ Cinema FullVision POLED display with 20.5:9 aspect ratio. Under the hood, it packs a Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoC …
Meizu has re-entered the Indian smartphone market by launching three new smartphones in the country. Also, read: Nokia 7.1 with 5.84inch PureDisplay and dual rear camera with Zeiss optics launched for Rs 19,999 Meizu M16th, M6T, and C9 Specifications The Meizu M16th sports a 6-inch full-HD+ AMOLED display and has an aspect ratio of 18:9. Image Source : MEIZU Meizu …
ZTE's Nubia has announced the successor of the Red Magic gaming phone that will be launching on 28th November at an event in Shanghai, China. The company had opened crowdfunding for the upcoming Red Magic Gaming phone this month that helped them earn a lot more than intended. Also, read: Samsung W2019 flip phone with dual display and dual 12MP …
Xiaomi has been ruling the budget smartphone segment for quite a while now. The reason I say jaw-dropping is because it is a smartphone housing the flagship Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 SoC with 6 GB RAM, 64 GB storage, 4,000 mAh battery with QuickCharge 3.0, dual rear camera setup, infrared face unlocking sensor and much more. At that price, you now …