Rihanna kept cool in sunny Barbados with the help of some refreshing snow cones. The barefoot Oscar nominee showed off her baby bump wearing an unbuttoned denim skirt and a black bra top. Special delivery: Rihanna, 34, cooled off with the help of some icy snow cones delivered to her lush villa in Barbados, where she is enjoying a family …
Google will launch Android 12 this year. The name for Android 12 comes via the Android 12 source code, which reportedly has references to ‘sc,’ which is believed to stand for Snow Cone. The Android 12 source code shows multiple references to “sc” that is believed to be an abbreviation for Snow Cone, a report in XDA Developers hints. Android …
Every year there is a new Android version. According to new findings, the Android 12 has an internal codename of “Snow Cone”, a dessert made of ice and sweeteners. Folks at XDA Developers tinkered around the source code of Android 12 where they spotted the “sc” identifier prefaced in several development branches. According to the publication, “sc” refers to Snow …