Actor Archana Puran Singh, 60, refused to be silenced when a troll on Instagram attempted to ridicule her appearance recently. Kapil sahi kehta hai bohot time laga aapko roop parivartan karne mein.” Archana Puran Singh addresses social media trolling Refusing to let such negativity go unaswered, Archana responsed to the troll, “Kitni ghatiya soch rakhti ho tum itni kam umar …
On the Shelf Detransition, Baby By Torrey Peters One World: 352 pages, $27 If you buy books linked on our site, The Times may earn a commission from, whose fees support independent bookstores. “Detransition, Baby,” a new novel by Torrey Peters, has its share of stings too: “Many people think a trans woman’s deepest desire is to live in …
14 Phere, Zee Studios’ upcoming project, will be directed by Devanshu Singh from a script by Manoj Kalwani Actor Vikrant Massey and Kriti Kharbanda-starrer social-comedy 14 Phere will go on floors in November, production house Zee Studios announced on Friday. When I heard the script, it felt like two halves becoming one, I would have been a fool to let …