Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is campaigning in Karnataka’s Bellary has mentioned the Hindi film ‘The Kerala Story’ in his speech and alleged that the Congress is trying to oppose the film. PM Modi invokes ‘The Kerala Story’, says ‘anti-India’ plot exposed in film Speaking at Bellary, PM Modi said, “The movie ‘The Kerala story’ is trying to expose the …
The complex terror attack in Sri Lanka last Sunday has a sinister message for the western world as well as South India. The Easter Day attacks were of a different dimension altogether and aimed directly at the wider Christian world than just the tiny proportion of Sri Lankan Christians, Sinhala and Tamil. The attack on a western way of life …
These horrific attacks are a result of Islamophobia. It is essential to create awareness among all communities about Muslim religion. The Islamic Society of North America and some other organisations have done an exemplary job in contributing to the betterment of the Muslim community and the society at large. There must be such common platforms in all societies for presenting …