Chandrayaan-3: ISRO's ambitious Chandrayaan-3 mission has been on a journey to the Moon since its launch on July 14. Meanwhile, did you know it was India's former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee who had given the name Chandrayaan instead of the earlier Somayaan. Moreover, he also changed the mission's name from "Somayaan" to “Chandrayaan.” “Vajpayee said the mission should be …
With Chandrayaan-3 gearing up for its landing on Moon, there's an interesting story of its genesis and how it got its name. Back in 1999 when the lunar mission was given governmental approval, India's prime minister was Atal Bihari Vajpayee. He not only motivated space scientists to explore the moon but also used his Sanskrit skills to rename the mission …
SRIHARIKOTA RANGE: India’s moonwalk programme began during the celebrations of a giant leap which changed the country’s image globally: Pokhran II nuclear tests. And former prime minister Atal Behari Vajpayee not only encouraged space scientists to go ahead with the mission to explore the moon but also used his proficiency in Sanskrit to rechristen it as ‘Chandrayaan,’ rather than ‘Somayaan.’ …