A middle-aged couple from Andhra Pradesh’s Nandyal district allegedly died by suicide following ongoing conflicts with their 24-year-old son over his relationship with a transgender person. According to Nandyal Sub-Divisional Police Officer P Srinivas Reddy, 45-year-old Subba Rayudu and his 38-year-old wife Saraswati’s deaths came after months of disputes surrounding their son, Sunil Kumar, who had been associating with the …
Son Heung-min has vowed Tottenham will do everything to bounce back in the North London derby after an 'unacceptable performance' on their last outing. Son Heung-min has called on Tottenham to 'step up' against local rival Arsenal on Sunday Spurs were dealt a harrowing 4-0 defeat to Newcastle in their last Premier League outing 'We had a massive week to …
The mother of an England fan who claimed he was invited back to a palace by a Sheikh's son during a wild, World Cup 'Hangover-style' night out where he petted monkeys, exotic birds and even a lion cub today insisted he is telling the truth. Alex Sullivan, 23, raised eyebrows with his apparently tall tale about being befriended by a …