SG Charles’s Soppana Sundari, which is led by three women in the central characters, is a simple film with its heart in the right place. Unlike most crime comedies, Soppana Sundari is refreshing because it never takes itself too seriously and this is what works in the film’s favour in a big way. Soppana Sundari is one of those rare …
A ‘Thirukkural’ by Thiruvalluvar that goes, “Natuvindri Nanporul Veqkin Kutipondrik Kutramum Aangae Tharum,” is written on the front and rear windshield of a car around which Soppana Sundari revolves. Soppana Sundari Director: SG Charles Cast: Aishwarya Rajesh, Deepa Shankar, Lakshmi Priyaa Chandramouli, Karunakaran, Sunil Reddy, Mime Gopi Runtime: 115 minutes Storyline: A car won on a lucky draw creates a …