Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday sounded the poll bugle for the Bharatiya Janata Party ahead of next month's Delhi Assembly Election 2025 by launching a scathing attack on the Aam Aadmi Party and its national convenor, Arvind Kejriwal. Without naming anyone, Modi accused the AAP government of pushing the national capital into a ‘disaster’ in the last 10 years …
Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Friday sounded the poll bugle of the party for the 2022 Assembly election in Himachal Pradesh, slated for November 12, by addressing a rally here in Solan. She promised that if the Congress party forms the next government in the State, giving jobs to youth and implementing the old pension scheme would be …
US President Donald Trump has hit out at China for not stopping the COVID-19 pandemic that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives globally, as he yet again used the term "China virus" and urged his supporters not to call it coronavirus, saying the name sounds like a "beautiful place" in Italy. President Trump: “It’s China Virus – Corona sounds …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday sounded the poll bugle for the forthcoming parliamentary elections in the south Indian states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka where his Bharatiya Janata Party has ceded significant ground in recent years. Rama Rao, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said that Naidu has forgotten about the development of the state and is …
New Delhi: Bharatiya Janata Party president Amit Shah launched the ruling party’s general election campaign on Friday, telling a forum of senior leaders of the party that the idea of a grand alliance was defeated in 2014 and was set to suffer the same fate this time around. Shah told the leaders on the first day of a two-day BJP …