A 74-year record is set to fall this weekend when Liverpool host Burnley in the Premier League. “Any such move would also give Liverpool and its supporters the advantage of a brand new purpose-built stadium instead of the piecemeal expansion of the current ground,” the club stated. The proposed ‘Kop’ end of the new Anfield “They had their grandiose plans …
A fire that ripped through the former home of ex-Premier League footballer Jermaine Pennant is being treated as arson - after the property was converted into a cannabis factory when he abandoned it. The scene of the aftermath of the fire, showing the house with a gutted roof and a small digger within the boundaries of the property A fire …
英国的炸鱼薯条虽被誉为国民美食,但国内不少人都将其称为“黑暗料理”,已经吐槽了好多年。不过,最近外媒报道称,英国一家普通的炸鱼薯条店因为很多中国游客的到访,生意突然火爆了起来。难道是受了什么高人指点了?我们来看看英国《卫报》的报道: As a meal choice it is on the decline, losing ground to seitan burgers and poké bowls as millennials run scared of the humble spud. “In the future we will know how to say more - we just ask the Chinese and they tell us.” 员工们对该店暴涨的受欢迎程度感到惊讶,一些人改用汉语说出约克郡的传统方言“ta,love”(“谢谢,亲爱的”)。瓦赛说:“我们已经开始学习一点点中文,比如‘谢谢’和‘再见’。以后我们还要多学中文——我们只要问中国人就行,他们会告诉我们。” “The word is spreading,” he said. 北纬55度旅行有限公司的中国游客伦敦美食旅行团导游朱海林说,炸鱼薯条在新一代中国中产阶层游客的必尝清单上位居榜首。 “We’ve moved on from the days …