A hotel in Chhattisgarh's Ambikapur city caught massive fire on Monday. Visuals from the fire incident at the hotel showed thick smoke engulfed the premises. The official said, "The flame erupted in the Radhe Krishna hotel located in Kotwali police station area and the fire spread rapidly to an adjacent sports shop." Three fire tenders were rushed to the spot …
Health officials blamed the country’s poor sanitation and crumbling infrastructure, as the disease spreads from Syria. Lebanon has warned that a deadly cholera outbreak is “spreading rapidly”, with cases rising after the virulent disease spread from neighbouring Syria. Lebanon hosts more than one million Syrian refugees, many of them already poverty-stricken and living in crowded camps for the displaced that …
The highly-infectious Covid-19 variant first detected in India "threatens" to rapidly spread in the sub-region, including among refugees, the UN refugee agency has said as it warned of vaccine shortages in the Asia-Pacific region, including for asylum-seekers. The highly infectious variant of the virus which first emerged in India threatens to rapidly spread in the sub-region, including among refugee populations," …