Bitcoin scam accused hacker Srikrishna Ramesh, aka Sriki, allegedly uses ghost protocol to store and transfer Ether as moving into the main blockchain would flag the transfer, according to sources investigating the scam. Sriki and his associate Robin Kandelwala, who were arrested in May in a case registered at New Extension police station in Tumakuru district in 2017, secured bail …
The Special Investigation Team of the Criminal Investigation Department, which is probing the alleged bitcoin scam, is in touch with over 30 foreign-based bitcoin exchanges in a bid to collect evidence on the movement of cryptocurrencies allegedly moved by hacker Srikrishna Ramesh aka Sriki. Sriki, arrested in a darknet drugs case in 2020 by the Central Crime Branch of Bengaluru …
The bitcoin scam that allegedly involved kickbacks to police and politicians in Karnataka continues to be an albatross around the state government’s neck. On Sunday, the Central Bureau of Investigations issued a media statement clarifying the US law enforcement agency FBI “has not sent any team to India for conducting a probe in the matter nor has any request been …
Karnataka Bitcoin scam accused Srikrishna Ramesh alias Sriki enjoyed a lavish life. Now, Suneesh Hegde, Sriki’s associate and an accused in the Karnataka Bitcoin scam case, has claimed that the prime accused made them pay the bills. LAVISH LIFE, BILLS PAID BY AIDES Suneesh Hegde’s statement in the chargesheet gives details of how Sriki hacked poker websites, helped his friends …