Karnataka Bitcoin scam accused Srikrishna Ramesh alias Sriki enjoyed a lavish life. Now, Suneesh Hegde, Sriki’s associate and an accused in the Karnataka Bitcoin scam case, has claimed that the prime accused made them pay the bills. LAVISH LIFE, BILLS PAID BY AIDES Suneesh Hegde’s statement in the chargesheet gives details of how Sriki hacked poker websites, helped his friends …
A few days ago, India Today had published a Bitcoin scam accused Srikrishna Ramesh AKA Sriki’s tell-all statement to the Bengaluru Police. READ: No Bitcoin scam, says BJP; Bengaluru Police denies foul play in investigation It was in 2018 when Sriki was involved with Nalapad in a pub brawl case but no action was taken against him. MOHAMMED NALAPAD IS …