The Special Investigation Team probing the Bitcoin scam in Karnataka has issued a notice to inspector general of police Sandeep Patil, who was the head of the Central Crime Branch when the scam took place, and was questioned earlier this year, to provide clarifications on the probe conducted against the hacker during his tenure. On Monday, the son of an …
A special investigation team led by additional director general of police Manish Karbikar questioned senior IPS officer Sandeep Patil on Wednesday in connection with the Bitcoin scam. The bitcoins were initially seized from the prime suspects in the Bitcoin scam A few deputy commissioners of police and 10 assistant commissioner of police have also been questioned regarding the Bitcoin scam. …
The Special Investigation Team of the Criminal Investigation Department probing the alleged bitcoin scam recorded the statement of IPS officer Sandeep Patil, IGP, Karnataka State Reserve Police, on Wednesday. The SIT had earlier booked four police inspectors who were part of investigations of multiple cases involving hacker Sriki and his associate Robin Kandelwala. According to the remand application submitted by …