The Karnataka government on Monday constituted a Special Investigation Team to reopen and probe an alleged Bitcoin scam that had surfaced during the previous BJP regime. The Bitcoin scam had surfaced during the BJP’s regime and the Congress, which was then in Opposition, had accused the government of trying to cover up the scandal as it involved big names. Since …
Home Minister Araga Jnanendra on Thursday said the government would investigate the bitcoin scam if those who had been cheated provided evidence. The scam revolves around a money-laundering case against Srikrishna, 26, who along with his associates has been booked for allegedly stealing ₹11.5 crore from a Karnataka government’s e-procurement portal and for hacking into gaming sites and international cryptocurrency …
A right to information activist recently made a startling allegation in connection with the multi-crore Karnataka Bitcoin scam. The RTI activist said senior police officers and leaders encashed Bitcoins that they got as bribes from hacker Srikrishna Ramesh alias Sriki. A complaint was filed on April 26, 2021 by RTI activist AR Ashok Kumar Adiga with the Additional Commissioner of …