The Special Investigation Team probing the Bitcoin scam in Karnataka has issued a notice to inspector general of police Sandeep Patil, who was the head of the Central Crime Branch when the scam took place, and was questioned earlier this year, to provide clarifications on the probe conducted against the hacker during his tenure. On Monday, the son of an …
Notorious hacker Srikrishna Ramesh, who was inside a quarantine cell at Parappana Agrahara after he was arrested in 2020, allegedly moved Bitcoins worth ₹10 crore to different wallets using a laptop that was smuggled into the prison, unleashing the Bitcoin scam. According to highly-placed sources privy to the Special Investigation Team of the Criminal Investigation Department, a constable was allegedly …
A right to information activist recently made a startling allegation in connection with the multi-crore Karnataka Bitcoin scam. The RTI activist said senior police officers and leaders encashed Bitcoins that they got as bribes from hacker Srikrishna Ramesh alias Sriki. A complaint was filed on April 26, 2021 by RTI activist AR Ashok Kumar Adiga with the Additional Commissioner of …