The Special Investigation Team has launched a probe into the tampering of ghee allegedly used in the sacred preparation of Tirumala Srivari Laddu Prasadam. SIT arrives in Tirupati to investigate The SIT tasked with probing the alleged wastage of butter at the revered Tirumala Srivari Laddu has reached Tirupati. The probe has attracted a lot of attention because Srivari Laddu …
Tirupati:Bharatiya Janata Party leader P. Naveen Kumar Reddy has expressed strong opposition to the Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams’ recent decision to restrict the distribution of the sacred ‘Srivari Laddu’ to only two per devotee without darshan, based on Aadhaar card identification. Speaking to reporters here on Monday, the BJP leader argued that this policy unfairly affects ordinary pilgrims who often travel …