Three wushu players from Arunachal Pradesh were issued ‘stapled visas’ by the Chinese embassy ahead of the World University Games in Chengdu. This is not the first time that China has issued ‘stapled visas’ to Indian citizens from Arunachal Pradesh. The Chinese government says that it issues ‘stapled visas’ to Indian citizens from Arunachal Pradesh because it does not recognise …
India has decided to pull out of the World University Games that are set to begin in Chengdu on Friday. India took the decision as a mark of protest against China's decision to issue stapled visas and not stampled ones to athletes from Arunachal Pradesh. India, on Thursday, reacted to China's move to issue stapled visas to the athletes calling …
Terming China’s decision to revive the practice of “stapled visas” for Indian sportspersons from Arunachal Pradesh as “unacceptable”, India on July 27 lodged a strong protest and said that it would respond suitably, after Beijing refused to give normal visas to three ‘Wushu’ martial arts athletes. The team was held back after the government realised that the three athletes belonging …