Chhattisgarh: As part of the ongoing investigation into the coal levy money laundering case, the Enforcement Directorate conducted searches at various premises linked to Congress leaders. On Monday, the ED raided multiple locations in Chhattisgarh ahead of the 85th plenary session of the grand old party. Nine persons, including state administrative service officer Chaurasia, Suryakant Tiwari, his uncle Laxmikant Tiwari, …
VIJAYAWADA: The continuing plenaries that ruling YSRC is holding at constituency and district levels is building up the tempo for the state plenary that the party is holding on July 8 and July 9 in Guntur district. To get over this, ruling YSRC organised assembly and district-level plenaries to enthuse party cadres and put in Josh among them. Earlier, following …