Despite Supreme Court lifting the ban on the much controversial movie, 'The Kerala Story' in West Bengal, the film was not getting released owing to theatre owners receiving threat calls. The film’s music director Bishakh Jyoti told ETimes that The Kerala Story was being screened in a single-screen theatre in North 24 Parganas’ Bongaon. “I am so happy that a …
Nigella Lawson is in Australia for her An Evening with Nigella Lawson tour. And the beloved British chef took time to meet with her loyal fans after Sunday's installment at Sydney's State Theatre. And the beloved British chef took time to meet with her loyal fans after Sunday's installment at Sydney's State Theatre The Nigella Bites star looked absolutely delighted …
Realism has been the dominant style in modern theatre in Malayalam for the past few years. Director and playwright Rajesh Irulam, who has been in the theatre field for the past 18 years, is one of the most prominent faces among a few who follow the realistic approach in their works. He wrote my first play and it was a …