还在为堵车而烦恼?日前优步在纽约推出了直升机服务,所有苹果手机用户都可以直接下单打飞的,飞行时间8分钟,单人单程200到225美元,虽然比打车贵,但比包机划算多啦!空中飞的时代真的要到来了吗? A media member takes pictures from a helicopter operated by Uber Copter, a new service by the ride-sharing company Uber, providing service from Manhattan to New York's JFK International Airport initially for Diamond and Platinum Uber Rewards members as well as special Uber partners in Manhattan, New York, U.S., October 2, 2019. 优步用户将有机会避开交通堵塞,乘网约直升机前往机场,只要他们能付得起钱。 The ride-hailing company expanded its helicopter …