Hyderabad: The south zone task force and Gudimalkapur police arrested five persons who snatched a cash bag from a jewellery shop manager last month. Police recovered Rs.43.8 lakh from the accused as well as mobile phones that they had purchased with the rest of the cash and the air pistol with which the gang threatened the victim. He was aided …
MUMBAI: The Sahar police have booked the manager of a shoe store located inside the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj international airport who allegedly embezzled over ₹17 lakh from the company by pocketing cash payments. HT Image According to the complaint by a company executive, based on which the first information report was registered, Zakir Zuber Sheikh, 24, the store manager began …
The showroom manager and local police rubbished media reports that the showroom was attacked by some people angry with the Tanishq Gandhidham: A Tanishq jewellery showroom in Gandhidham town of Gujarat’s Kutch district has put up a note on its door, apologising to Hindus in the district over the brand’s controversial TV ad which has been withdrawn. “We apologise to …