The Gujarat High Court on December 12 sought the stand of the State and Harij Nagar Palika located in Patan District in a PIL petition concerning pollution in a lake in the area allegedly due to untreated sewage being diverted into the water body which is stated the largest lake in the town. During the hearing counsel appearing for the …
GREATER NOIDA: The Greater Noida authority has decided to build five sewage treatment plants to treat wastewater and recycle the same for irrigation purposes. The five will comprise one of 45 million litre daily capacity plant in Sector 45, 12 MLD capacity plant in Sector IT City, 50 MLD capacity in Sector Knowledge Park V, 42 MLD capacity in Sector …
The Kozhikode Corporation may change the location of its proposed 6-MLD sewage treatment plant at Kothi. Musafar Ahamed said at the Corporation council meeting on June 12 that the civic body was open to rethinking the project details. The Corporation’s project for STPs at Kothi as well as Avikkal Thodu under AMRUT-1 had met with stiff opposition as local residents …