A shocking case of religious conversion for medical seats has come to light from Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut. After investigating a complaint, the concerned DMs found out that around 20 MBBS candidates adopted Buddhism just to secure a seat under the minority quota at Meerut’s Subharti University. According to the complaint received on WhatsApp, in Meerut’s Subharti University, general candidates were …
MEERUT: The Uttar Pradesh STF on Saturday arrested seven persons, including the IT manager of Subharti University in Meerut, for their alleged involvement in helping candidates solve the CSIR-NET exam papers. Those arrested included, IT manager of the university Arun Sharma, computer lab assistant Vineet Kumar, NSEIT server operator Ankur Saini, along with four applicants from Haryana: Ankit, Tamanna, Monika, …