Tamil Nadu Raj Bhavan called out Chief Minister MK Stalin's “arrogance” for calling Governor RN Ravi “childish” for walking out of the Assembly without delivering his address over an alleged ‘insult’ to the national anthem. In a strongly worded post on X, the Raj Bhavan said “such arrogance is not good” and people will not tolerate any “brazen insult” to …
Amid a row over Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi's abrupt walkout from the state Assembly, Raj Bhavan on Sunday hit back at Chief Minister MK Stalin's "childish" jab at the Governor and said that such arrogance was not good. Stalin had termed Governor Ravi as "absurd" and "childish" after he walked out of the Assembly without delivering his customary speech …
Thousands of supporters waived at Priyanka Gandhi Vadra when she reached the rally venue in Ambala on Tuesday. BJP LEADERS ARE ARROGANT, PM HAS TIME TO EAT BIRYANI IN PAKISTAN BUT NOT FOR FARMERS In a veiled attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Tuesday said the Mahabharat character Duryodhan too had "such arrogance". Priyanka …