The sharp remarks made by Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid against the critically acclaimed Hindi film, The Kashmir Files have triggered a slugfest. Filmmaker Lapid, the jury head of the 53rd International Film Festival of India, on Monday, November 28, described the Hindi film The Kashmir Files as "propaganda" and "vulgar" and the statement has snowballed into a controversy. SUCHITRA KRISHNAMOORTHI …
Covid-19 vaccine makers named Cyrus Poonawalla, founder of Pune-based Serum Institute of India ; and Covaxin maker Bharat Biotech Chairman Krishna Ella and his co-founder wife Suchitra Ella will be awarded Padma Bhushan as announced by the Centre on Tuesday evening. Let’s have a peek at the outstanding life and career of these Padma Bhushan awardees: Cyrus Poonawalla Born in …
World champion P. V. Sindhu believes next month's Tokyo Olympics will be different than the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro and has asserted that she is ready to cope with the pressure of expectations. But, I have to deal with it by staying focussed on the game on the given day,” Sindhu said during a Zoom interaction organised by …
Sindhu makes it a point to visit Suchitra Badminton Academy for her regular fitness session with trainer M. Srikanth Verma on Monday evening, a day before she completes one year as the world champion. “There was lot of criticism then about that move, but Sindhu proved everyone wrong showing the focus she was expected to be in to play to …