Back in the glorious days of cinema, while speaking to Amitabha Choudhury for his book Aamar Bondhu Suchitra Sen, the veteran actress got candid about the showman Raj Kapoor’s film offer to her and what made her decline the same. The way he behaved – sitting near my foot – did not befit a man.” Talking about her friendship and …
Malayalam superstar Mohanlal has had a fabulous 2019 with three releases in Malayalam and Tamil. He turned chef for his wife Suchitra and actor-director Prithviraj Sukumaran's wife Supriya Menon. While Supriya Menon enjoyed the sumptuous spread curated by Mohanlal, Prithviraj seems to have missed the lunch. #AboutLastNight #AmazingFood #EvenBetterCompany #LalEttan&SuchiChechi #MissedYouPrith " In the photo, the Odiyan actor is seen …