Sudip Kumar Gharami led from the front with a superbly paced century to guide Bengal to an emphatic six-wicket win against Bihar in the Vijay Hazare Trophy Group E match at Gymkhana Ground on Friday. Chasing 236, Bengal was off to an impressive start with openers Abishek Porel and Gharami, who was dropped on 17 when Piyush Kumar floored a …
Anustup Majumdar and Sumanta Gupta strung together an unbroken 158-run stand for the third wicket to guide Bengal to a seven-wicket win against Baroda in the Vijay Hazare Trophy one-day cricket championship Group E match at Gymkhana Ground here on Saturday. Chasing a victory target of 229, Bengal faltered at the start, with southpaw Abishek Porel mistiming a hook stroke …