Sumanth Bhat has realised his long-cherished dream. His directorial debut, Mithya, premiered at the MAMI Mumbai Film Festival last year, and watching his movie on the big screen became a special experience for Sumanth. “He didn’t want to change anything in the story,” says Sumanth, on the sidelines of his film’s screening at the 15th Bengaluru International Film Festival. Even …
An adolescent character curiously named ‘lipstick spoiler’ Lokesh keeps harping on the importance of connecting with the youth. The predominantly young cast and crew of the Telugu film Mem Famous, which introduces more than 40 newcomers to Telugu cinema, aims to nail this youthful vibe in the narrative. Sumanth Prabhas, debuting as actor, writer and director, narrates a coming-of-age story …
Mysuru: The body of a 22-year-old man who died in Malayasia seven months ago has finally reachced home in Periyapatna town in Mysuru district. Though the Malaysian embassy proposed to finish the cremation there itself, his mother Shobha was persistent to send her son's body," Pavan Kumar told Deccan Chronicle. "Being from a small town, as a few astrologers and …
Hyderabad was staring at another defeat and relegation when it finished the third day at 139 for seven, after conceding a lead of 61 runs to Vidarbha in the Ranji Trophy Elite Group match at the Rajiv Gandhi Stadium here on Friday. Earlier, in reply to the home team’s first innings score of 272, Vidarbha, thanks to captain Faiz Fazal’s …