The Bombay High Court recently granted bail to five men, alleged members of Hindu right-wing organisations - 'Sanatan Sanstha' and 'Hindu Janjagruti Samiti' arrested in 2018 for their alleged conspiracy to explode bombs at the then ongoing Sunburn festival in Pune district to terrorise the participants. A division bench of Justices Bharati Dangre and Manjusha Deshpande while granting bail noted …
Complaints were filed against the organisers of the Goa Sunburn Festival for insulting the sentiments of people following Sanatana Dharma by displaying Lord Shiva’s image inappropriately. Vijay Bhike’s complaint states, “The organisers have intentionally insulted the religious feelings of Hindus by portraying that Lord Shiva supports drinking alcohol, consumption of prohibited substances and other illicit activities that take place during …