The ‘Sundarkand’ segment from the Hindu epic of Ramayana will be recited in the Delhi assembly on Tuesday ahead of the big Ram Temple consecration ceremony event in Ayodhya a week later. Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi minister Saurabh Bhardwaj said that ‘Sundarkand’ and ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ will be recited in the assembly on the first Tuesday of every month. …
Jaipur, Sep 24 In an unique endeavour, Sharad Mathur, a Jaipur-based artist, has written the "Ramcharitmanas" with a paintbrush in over 3,000 pages and now wishes to donate it to the grand Ram Temple to be built in Ayodhya. Most bookbinders refused to bind it citing technical reason, then Mubarak Khan came forward and took it upon himself to bind …