夏天到了,爱美的女士们又要开始多多地涂防晒霜了,因为大家都知道,防晒霜可以防黑抗衰老。但是美国食品和药物管理局近日开展的一项研究发现,防晒霜中的一些成分会在使用一天后就进入血液,并在人体内滞留24个小时以上。这些成分会不会给健康造成危害呢? Photo by Salvador Martin Yeste on Unsplash It took just one day of use for several common sunscreen ingredients to enter the bloodstream at levels high enough to trigger a government safety investigation, according to a pilot study conducted by the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, an arm of the US Food and Drug Administration. 在所有防晒霜成分中,氧苯酮是接触性过敏的最常见诱因。长达十年的研究发现,70%的人接触氧苯酮后在过敏源测试中结果呈阳性。 A Swiss …