Supermarket chains Nettorama and Boni announced on Friday their decision to merge, with the new entity operating under the name Nettorama, NOS reported. "In the current market conditions, scale enlargement is necessary to continue serving customers at the lowest prices and to remain an attractive employer," stated Boni's director Bouke van der Wal in a press release about the merger. …
Aussie farmers claim families can save hundreds of dollars on fresh fruit and vegetables by buying them away from major supermarkets. Farmer Guy Gaeta has suggested a boycott of major supermarkets because he says they rip off consumers and farmers Independent grower Guy Gaeta claims families could save '50 or 60 per cent' on their fresh produce costs by shopping …
New York CNN Business — If you’re like most Americans, you probably think of going to the supermarket and stocking up on groceries as a normal thing, and you take it for granted. Some have described large grocers’ avoidance of predominately black areas as “supermarket redlining,” evoking post-New Deal federal policies designed to prevent black home ownership in white neighborhoods …