After recording a landslide victory in Jalandhar Lok Sabha bypoll, an upbeat Aam Aadmi Party has started bracing for impending local bodies elections in five municipal corporations including Jalandhar and 41 municipal councils in the state. MP Sushil RInku said the Jalandhar MC gets a major shot in the arm with approval of funds worth ₹ 95.16-crore for overall development …
Punjab Congress chief Amrinder Singh Raja Warring conceded defeat in the Jalandhar Lok Sabha bypoll on May 13 and congratulated the Aam Aadmi Party and its candidate Sushil Rinku. As per the latest trends available on the Election Commission website, Rinku was leading by a margin of 58,430 votes over his nearest rival and Congress candidate Karamjit Kaur Chaudhary. The …
The Aam Aadmi Party won the crucial Jalandhar Lok Sabha bypoll with a significant margin while the Samajwadi Party lost the Suar assembly seat in Uttar Pradesh, marking an end of the Azam Khan-era. Party candidate Sushil Rinku won the Jalandhar parliamentary seat after defeating Congress’s Karamjit Kaur Chaudhary by a margin of 58,691 votes. BJP Ally Apna Dal Wins …
Aam Aadmi Party has named Sushil Kumar Rinku as its candidate for Jalandhar Lok Sabha bypoll. AAP names Sushil Kumar Rinku as its candidate for Jalandhar Lok Sabha bypoll — ANI April 6, 2023 Sushil Rinku has left the Congress and joined the Aam Aadmi Party. Sushil Rinku is welcome in AAP's family, I have full hope that the …