Sriranjani Santhanagopalan’s vocal concert, as part of Hamsadhwani founder R. Ramachandran’s birth centenary celebrations, brimmed with energy. Held on Tamil New Year’s day, the performance included a variety of Tamil works — from Avvaiyar’s ‘Vakkundam’ in Ritigowla as a prelude to ‘Tatvamariaya tarama’ by Papanasam Sivan to the concluding Thiruppugazh. Sriranjani took up the rare raga Jyothiswaroopini for detailing and …
Amritha Murali’s concert, hosted by Federation of City Sabhas, was marked by both discipline and dynamism. A vivacious composition, Amritha opted for a fairly engaging niraval at ‘Sarseeruha punnaga’ following it up with an elaborate swaraprastara. A balanced approach A rare composition, ‘Krishnananda mukunda murare’ in raga Gowlipantu by Muthuswami Dikshitar came as a filler and was subsequently balanced by …