Amritha Murali’s concert, hosted by Federation of City Sabhas, was marked by both discipline and dynamism. A vivacious composition, Amritha opted for a fairly engaging niraval at ‘Sarseeruha punnaga’ following it up with an elaborate swaraprastara. A balanced approach A rare composition, ‘Krishnananda mukunda murare’ in raga Gowlipantu by Muthuswami Dikshitar came as a filler and was subsequently balanced by …
MadRasana set Bharat Sundar’s virtual concert in the sylvan ambience of Auroville, with Vittal Rangan on the violin, Praveen Sparsh on the mridangam, Chandrasekara Sharma on the ghatam, and Mani on the tambura. Bharat Sundar rendered ‘Rajagopalam bhajeham’ with an extensive and interesting swarakalpana on the line ‘Parijatha taru moolam’. The pallavi set to khanda eka talam went as ‘Pallum …
Bharathi Ramasubban played to her strengths which lay in sober classical fare shorn of frills and flounces. Eminently suited to the artiste’s approach was the gamaka-rich standalone kriti, ‘Sri Ramam Ravi Kulabdhi Somam’. Fluid traverses and pivotal pidis helped the violinist, Thirumarugal S. Dinesh Kumar to build a raga essay of worth, his deft fingering and focus on key facets …
The vocal recital of A.S. Murali featured by Sree Ayyappan Puja Sangham on the opening day had all the ingredients that make a concert lively and brisk. His alapanas of Kharaharapriya for the kriti, ‘Appan avadharitha kathamrutham’ and Thodi for ‘Sree Krishnam bhaja maanasa’ were mature renditions strengthened by traditional pidis. Aiswarya’s raga alapanas of Purvikalyani for the kriti, ‘Anandanatamaaduvar …