Hyderabad:Aishwarya Vidya Raghunath enthralled music lovers with her mellifluous rendition at the 57th annual festival of music, dance and drama of Kalasagaram. She started with Swathi Thirnal’s ‘Sumasayaka’ in Karnataka Kapi with ragamalika swaras followed by the Thyagaraja krithi ‘Tulasi Dalamulache’ in Mayamalavagowla raga with crisp kalpana swaras. Before a beautiful Varali raga alapana, she sang the ‘Sanatana Parama Pavana’ …
Clarity and technical prowess are the two words that come to mind when one witnesses a performance by senior veena vidushi Jayanthi Kumaresh. This was preceded by a brief yet clear outline of Mukhari for the timeless kriti ‘Enraikku shivakripai’, which was poignantly sung by KVN in several of his kutcheris. While her approach has transcended cultural boundaries and enhanced …
Charulatha Chandrasekar’s veena recital in Naadhabrahmam’s 21st year concert series established that musical expertise is independent of age. Gopalakrishna Bharati’s fast moving ‘Sababathikku veru deivam’ in Abhogi, with brisk swarakalpana, was followed by a precise and sober raga essay of Sahana for Tyagaraja’s ‘E vasudha nivanti daivamu’. Here too, Charulatha embellished the kriti with swaras at ‘Dasa varada tyagaraja hrudaya.’ …