Lucknow: One of the main accused in the killing of police inspector Subodh Kumar Singh in Uttar Pradesh’s Bulandshahr during mob violence in December has been arrested on Tuesday. The arrest of Kalua from a bus stand on Monday night takes the total number of accused held in this case to 30, a police officer said. According to reports, cow …
An absconding Bajrang Dal activist,the prime suspect in the violence that rocked Uttar Pradesh’s Bulandshahr this week, defended himself on Wednesday, claiming he wasn’t present when the clashes between police and a local mob left a police inspector and a villager dead. The video clip came on a day the Uttar Pradesh police hinted at a “conspiracy” behind the mob …
Lucknow/Ballia: Yogesh Raj, the Bajrang Dal’s district coordinator in Bulandshahr, was named as the main accused in the killing of police inspector Subodh Kumar Singh and another youth Sumit in Monday’s violence in Bulandshahr. ADG Anand Kumar told reporters in Lucknow on Tuesday that three Bajrang Dal activists — Chaman, Devendra and Ashish Chauhan had already been arrested but Yogesh …