CHENNAI: A total of 43 MoUs generating around Rs 70 crore business for the global Tamils were signed during the overseas buyer-seller meet organised jointly by FaMe TN, Commissionerate of Rehabilitation and Non Resident Tamils and South India Chamber of Commerce and Industry as part of the annual World Tamil Diaspora Day 2025. Tamil Sangams/Associations across the globe, Commissionerate of …
The Tamil Nadu government has the responsibility to protect the Tamil diaspora that has spread far and wide in the world in search of education, business and employment, Chief Minister M.K. Addressing the Tamil diaspora, he said that protecting the Tamil language meant protecting the Tamil community and the Tamil Nadu government and the ruling DMK would extend all support …
Gotabaya Rajapaksa has said that he will engage with the Tamil diaspora for reconciliation talks to resolve the country’s internal problems and would not hesitate to grant presidential pardon to Tamil youths in jail for LTTE links Colombo: In a major shift in his policy, Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has said that he will engage with the Tamil diaspora …