Tamil actor-comedian Yogi Babu has shared screen space with some of the most prominent stars in the film world including Shah Rukh Khan in Chennai Express, Thalapathy Vijay in Varisu, and Dhanush in Karnan. Yogi Babu’s debut Yogi Babu made his foray into showbiz, with the Tamil television comedy series Lollu Sabha. Yogi Babu’s film debut Yogi Babu’s first break …
American series Modern Love, based on New York Times’ column of the same name, won hearts all over the world when it released in 2019. The concept has now been adapted in India with the title ‘Modern Love Mumbai’, with stories about people from the Maximum City. Modern Love Mumbai Modern Love Mumbai is an anthology inspired by the famous …
There’s good news for the fans of the popular sitcom Ramany vs Ramany. Fans are looking forward to seeing actors Ramji and Vasuki Anand reprise their roles as Mr. and Mrs. Ramany. Ramany vs. Ramany 3.0 will be released as a web series, unlike the prior two seasons that were broadcast on television. Actor Ram G, who played Mr. Ramany …
Mallika Sherawat is no more the stormy petrel of Bollywood. Speaking to us about her latest film, Mallika shares, “I’ve been working across Hindi, Tamil, English and Chinese, I haven’t done a Tamil film since I worked with Kamal Haasan in Dasavatharam, and Nagmati presented me with the opportunity of working in Tamil films again. I think it’s the right …
The one thing that makes Topless, a Zee5 web series, work is that it’s through and through absurdist: There is no meaning, morality, purpose, or even order in its universe. *** In the middle of Episode 3 — titled ‘Wrong Hole’ — minister Kalki is at a TV studio to discuss his new policy for women’s safety: A dress code …