Passengers aboard the Tapti Ganga Express, travelling from Surat to Chhapra, experienced an unsettling incident when stones were thrown at the train near Jalgaon Railway Station in Maharashtra. A video shared on social media by one of the passengers highlighted the damage and included appeals to railway authorities to ensure better security for trains. The Tapti Ganga Express is a …
Six passengers were injured on Sunday after 13 coaches of Chapra-Surat Tapti Ganga Express derailed in Bihar’s Saran district. 13 bogies of Tapti Ganga Express derail in Bihar, 6 injured The accident occurred near Gautam Asthan railway station in Varanasi division at 9.45 am, minutes after the Surat-bound train left Chapra Junction, Sanjay Yadav, chief public relations officer of North …