After two consecutive wins in 2014 and 2019 general elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party lost Ladakh Lok Sabha constituency to a prominent Shia leader from Kargil district, Hanifa Jan on Tuesday. As anticipated amid a protracted agitation over the Sixth Schedule and statehood demand, Independent candidate and prominent Shia leader from Kargil, Mohammad Hanifa Jan, won the strategic Lok Sabha …
As anticipated amid a protracted agitation over the Sixth Schedule and statehood demand, Independent candidate and Shia leader from Kargil, Mohammad Hanifa Jan, is set to win the lone Lok Sabha constituency of Ladakh. Independent candidate and Shia leader from Kargil, Mohammad Hanifa Jan, is set to win the lone Lok Sabha constituency of Ladakh. Ladakh chief electoral officer Yatin …
The strategic Ladakh Lok Sabha constituency, which votes on May 20, is ready for a triangular contest between the Bharatiya Janata Party, Congress and an independent candidate from the Shia-dominated Kargil district The triangular contest in the constituency, which shares its borders with China and Pakistan, will be between Congress candidate Tsering Namgyal, leader of the opposition in Leh Autonomous …
A day after Bharatiya Janata Party announced chief executive councillor of the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council in Leh as its candidate for the UT’s solitary Lok Sabha seat, sitting MP Jamyang Tsering Namgyal expressed his resentment saying he would deliberate on the issue with his supporters before taking a call on his future action. BJP’s sitting Ladakh MP Jamyang …