The Lancet Global Health recently published a paper that said at least half a million deaths could be prevented between 2023 and 2035 if 80% of the adults in tuberculosis -affected households are provided food baskets and supplements. According to the Lancet paper, a nutritional intervention in the form of food baskets and micronutrient supplements distributed to adults for TB …
The first-of-its-kind TB prevalence cross-sectional survey was carried out among individuals aged older than 15 years across Tamil Nadu from February 2021 to July 2022. Based on the survey findings, the authors of the study from the National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, Chennai have recommended that the State TB programme should prioritise the use of chest X-rays for earlier …
Twenty-three States have consented to participate in the BCG revaccination study in adults that will be undertaken in a “programme implementation study mode” to evaluate the effectiveness of the vaccine in reducing TB disease incidence. No clinical trials have been carried out in India to study the efficacy of BCG revaccination in adults to prevent TB disease, and studies in …
Kolkata: India is unlikely to reach the WHO target of elimination of tuberculosis by 2050 going by the rate at which incidence of the disease is declining in the country. However, in order to reach the TB elimination target by 2050, the rate should be 19 to 20 per cent per year,” WHO Representative to India Nata Menabde told PTI. …