Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra said the expiry date of the Bharat Rashtra Samiti was over and it was time for the Congress to come back and repair the damage done to Telangana in all spheres. Speaking at the Vijayabheri Sabhas in Palakurti, Husnabad and Kothagudem on Friday, she said it was unfortunate that the KCR government had turned the …
WARANGAL: Health minister T. Harish Rao on Wednesday underlined that people of Hanamkonda and surrounding districts will not have to look at Hyderabad for medical treatment. Harish Rao said it is a matter of fortune that people of Warangal district will have both the health university and super speciality hospital in the heart of Hanamkonda city. Harish Rao said the …
An official notification said it is mandatory for all government and private health facilities to report all suspected and confirmed cases to the health department Hyderabad: The Telangana government has declared Black Fungus a disease that is primarily affecting COVID-19 recovered patients as notifiable disease under Epidemic Diseases Act 1897, an official notification said on Thursday. All government and private …