Vivo on Thursday launched the X200 series smartphones in India featuring the Vivo X200 and Vivo X200 Pro. Both the phones, Vivo X200 Pro and Vivo X200 use the MediaTek Dimensity 9400 processor seen in Oppo Find X8 series. The Vivo X200 Pro features a 6.78 inch LTPO AMOLED display with a 120 Hz refresh rate and 4,500 nits of …
Known Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has claimed that Apple will adopt a "periscopic telephoto lens" in 2023. Huawei's P30 Pro allows for 5x optical zoom, and an iPhone with a periscope lens could have similar capabilities, MacRumors reported. A periscopic telephoto lens will significantly boost the iPhone's zoom capabilities, which currently max out at 2.5x optical zoom and 12x digital …